



By De’Vonna Pittman, Director of Inclusive Growth, Center for Economic Inclusion

The journey towards racial equity looks different for every organization. 爱博体育手机版下载的经济竞争力和包容性计划 专注于几项建议, including an opportunity to partner with Ramsey County businesses to focus on racial equity, 保留, 以及招聘目标. 爱博体育手机版下载 劳动力创新委员会 and 经济包容中心 are actively partnering with businesses in Ramsey County to build more inclusive workplaces.

10月14日, 2021, 经济包容中心, 与爱博体育手机版下载合作, 推出了2021年包容性工作场所队列, 在WIB的支持下. The goal of the cohort is to accelerate employers’ ability to advance racial equity and 包容 within their organizations and to support businesses who aim to leverage and sustain a more inclusive and sustainable workforce.

The purpose of the cohort is to collaborate with businesses to optimize hiring and 保留 strategies by incorporating a racial equity lens and to recognize the unique diversity that exists within businesses. Many of the businesses have expressed gratitude for the sessions and are eager to optimize their current racial equity processes. As business leaders are sharing their own plans about how they will implement strategies, they appreciate the safe space for impactful and meaningful conversation within the cohort.

Some businesses are further along in their journeys toward 包容 and have racial equity plans in place, while others don’t know where to begin or how to address the lingering disparities they have identified within their workplaces. The Center is helping businesses understand that every step toward closing racial wealth gaps starts with shared accountability and making small changes that lead to collective impact.


七月,一篇文章由 社团 specifically articulated how to get at addressing structural racism within the workplace by speaking to bias interrupters, and lists small changes and tweaks to get started on an organization’s racial equity journey. These changes point to a journey of minimal shifts in practices that provide quantifiable results:

“如果你想解决结构性种族主义, 你必须解决支持它的结构问题,琼·威廉姆斯说, founding director of the Center for Work Life Law at the University of California, 旧金山的黑斯廷斯法学院. She recommends conducting research to identify areas of possible bias, 确定使用什么度量标准来度量变更, 然后进行一些小的调整,称为“偏压中断器”.”

偏置中断器是对现有业务系统的调整, 比如那些与招聘有关的, 业绩评估, 工作任务, 促销活动, 和补偿, 停止并纠正隐性偏见, 也被称为隐性或无意识的偏见, 她说.

“如果你对基本的商业系统进行外科手术式的调整, you can have a measurable impact on bias in one year's time without ever talking about bias,威廉姆斯说.

The Center is leading the cohort facilitation and encouraging accountability through safe and brave spaces that honor participants’ learning journeys. The Center uses a comprehensive racial equity lens and levers of systems change to increase racial equity competency and knowledge. The learnings will position businesses to scale their operations with racial equity at the forefront.

业务es might also begin to look toward advancing racial equity and embedding inclusive strategies into their work by taking specific steps, 比如那些安妮E. 凯西基金会指出,作为其不可或缺的 拥抱公平指引. Casey calls for establishing an understanding of race equity and 包容 principles, 使受影响人群和利益攸关方参与, 收集和分析分类数据, 对不公平的根本原因进行系统分析, identifying strategies and target resources to address root causes of inequities, conducting race equity impact assessment for all policies and decision making, and continuously evaluating effectiveness and adapting strategies.

These are all strategies that 经济包容中心 is partnering with Ramsey County businesses to adopt as they embark on their individual racial equity journeys. The 包容的职场群体 sessions strategically build on one another, providing a foundation for businesses that haven’t begun exploring racial equity tools or strategies. The cohort is also an outlet to test ideas and goals of those who are on a journey that include racial equity plans and strategies.

The cohort meets monthly for 90 minutes and will conclude August 2022. 点击这里 了解更多.



The Center for Economic Inclusion is committed to closing racial employment, 收入, 还有贫富差距, 建立种族包容和公平的区域经济. 成立于2017年, the Center is the nation’s first Black woman-owned and led organization dedicated exclusively to strengthening public- and private-sector civic infrastructures and collective capacity to disrupt systems and influence market forces while advancing an inclusive economy. Through the Center’s Employer Inclusivity and Inclusive Growth Consulting Services, 该中心与雇主合作, 比如爱博体育手机版下载, who also seek to increase competitiveness and profitability by centering racial equity, 包容, 和归属感. 点击这里 了解更多.



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